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Straits Times Reflection #5
Monday, March 16, 2009

- What are the different forms of Ketamine ?
- Ketamine can be in liquid or powder / tablet form . In liquid form , doctors and vets legally use them for immunisation purposes while in powder / tablet form , some people illegally consume them to feel high .

- What would you do if you knew your friend took Ketamine?
- I would ask him to stop consuming it and tell him about the negative effects if consumed so as to raise his awareness. If he is agreeable with me, I would help him to quit this bad habit because I know that quiting bad habits is not easy. But if he is disagreeable, I would surely tell his parents no matter how angry he may be at me as this is for his own benefit because if he continues to consume Ketamine, his health would be seriously damaged.


Straits Times Reflection #4
Saturday, March 7, 2009

- In the last line, what did the writer mean by suggesting that "he may have found more porcupines than rats"?
What the writer meant was that Singapore have more citizens that would stand up for their own rights, like a porcupine than to run away from any danger it faces, like a rat. It also means that Singaporeans are much more braver than they usually are in order to defend their country.

- What's worth giving up your life for?
The things that are worth giving my life for are my loved ones; my family, my friends and my country. It would be worth it to sacrifice my life in order to protect my loved ones. I also put myself second to my loved ones because I don't want them to be hurt. I will have no regrets if I sacrifice myself for their sake.


Straits Times Reflection #3
Friday, March 6, 2009

- Why Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?
Coral Secondary School does not want their students to waste their time loitering, but to use their time prudently like revising their work, which would be more beneficial to them.

- Do you agree with this rule? Explain your answer.
I agree to this rule at a certain extent. I agree because loitering around would just
distrupts the students education as it does no benefit to them, but it only brings negative effects to them. So, I understand that the school is just worried of their students and just want the best for them . But I disagree too because if they were to prevent them from their freedom of having fun with their friends, the students would suffer as they are ruining their life. So , I suggest that they should allow their students to loiter around once in a while because no one could force anyone to study as it depends on our own self.
