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Straits Times Reflection #9
Saturday, April 18, 2009

- What are big companies doing in order to be more socially responsible ?
- Singtel had an energy saving programme to help them reduce business costs and an opportunity to re - invite their customers to join their environmental efforts . Mc' Donalds had stop purchasing beef or other foods originating from rain forests land . DBS is focusing on helping children reach their full potential in the area of learning and make a difference in their lives . Major companies are committed to help the less privileged by raising funds . For example , ERA helped The Singapore Association for the deaf organise its first charity marathon , raising $80 000 last month .

- How important is it to be socially responsible ? And do you think it is still possible to make a social impact during the recession ?
- It is very important because it makes people realize that there are still others who are less fortunate than we are and helps them to start lend a helping hand to those unfortunate people . Yes , I think it is still possible without spending a large sum of money because even though the charity walkathon did not use a lot of money to set up a successful event , they still managed to raise up $80 000 , making such a huge difference to the Deaf .


Straits Times Reflection #8

- What are some of the things that schools in Singapore are doing in order to take care of the environment ?
- Some schools ask their students to bring their electricity bills from home to track their month to month energy use and teach them to save energy . Some schools also emphasize on issues like energy conservation and climate change . Elias Park Primary School contribute fruit peels to the school's 3 compost bins , which can convert food waste into fertilizers , and teach the students about recyclable materials . Commonwealth Secondary has its own wetland , which treats grey water from bathroom sinks and study the wetland's plants and animals . Marsiling Lower Secondary students do experiments like testing air quality in their school and Nanyang Girl's High School to ban cardboard takeaway boxes and bring their own instead .

- Do you think one person's effort in reducing , reusing andrecycling will make a difference in saving the environment ? What steps have you taken in the effort to save the Earth ?
- Yes , but at a certain extent because if only one person does so but the rest does not , then there will no difference at all . So , I think that everyone must do so , to save the Earth as those " little helpers " make such a difference in the world . What i've done so far is just ; turning off the lights and fans when not in use and reuse , reduce , recycle . Other things are just natural like cutting down electricity usage and conserve water . These are all basic things that not only me , but everyone should do too because we need to save these scarce resources as we need them in our daily lives .


Straits Times Reflection #7
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

- How does the treatment programme of the Singapore Prison Service help sex offenders ?
- It helps them learn about the way they are thinking and it makes them notice how their actions flow from the programme . It also helps them by teaching them empathy and to ensure that they are in the right position to choose the right thing to do .

- Do you think that sex offenders should be given a second chance in the society ? State your reasons .
- I would say yes , but at a certain extent . It is because it depends on themselves if they want to turn over a new leaf and become a better person . If they want to do so , then I would surely say yes because everyone deserves a second chance as everyone makes mistakes . But if they still want to remain in this manner , I don't see any point of giving them a second chance because they will only bring harm to others outside and then , they may get caught and sent to prison again . It will just be a never - ending cycle if we keep giving them chances .


Straits Times Reflection #6

- What is illegal logging ?
- It is the act of transporting , purchasing and selling of materials and timber . These are strictly against the law and the illegal loggers are also killing the animals as they are destroying their habitat's and causing environmental damage .

- What can you do to stop the Sumatran tiger from extinction ?
- I must not destroy their habitats and should not kill them for their skin or any other purposes that they can be used for . The government can help to by making fines or severe punishment towards those illegal loggers who destroy the habitats .
